how to do an seo audit

How to do an SEO audit ?

SEO audits are a very important part of your SEO strategy, as they will help you identify your website’s strengths and weaknesses. An audit includes evaluating the current state of your site’s visibility in the search engines. It also involves identifying opportunities for improvement so that you can make sure that you are maximizing traffic from organic searches, while reducing losses due to poor performance on Google’s SERPs (search engine results pages).

In this tutorial we will cover:

  • What is an SEO audit?
  • Why do an SEO audit?
  • How to do an SEO audit ?

Step 1: Find all your pages and note down the results that appear in search engines

Step 1: Find all your pages and note down the results that appear in search engines.

To do this, you can use Google Search Console to find all the pages that appear in search engines. This will give you a list of all your pages, including those not indexed by Google.

Step 2 : Using Google Search Console to find pages that are not indexable

Now it’s time to identify the pages that are not indexable. If you’re using Google Search Console, you can easily do this by selecting “Indexed” under each of your websites and then checking whether these pages are indeed indexed or not.

If there is no error message in the search console, then go ahead and try to find out which page on your site is causing this problem.

Step 3 : Test the load time of your web pages

  • Test the load time of your web pages

Now that you have a good idea about what is a good page speed and how to improve it, it’s time to test it yourself! To do this, use Google PageSpeed Insights or WebPageTest .

Both tools offer similar features that will help you understand where your site stands in terms of performance.

Step 4 : Check the quality of your content

  • Check the quality of your content

Content is the most important thing for any website to rank on a search engine. You need to have an excellent piece of writing that people will want to read, share and link back to. The aim of this step is to check whether your content meets these standards or not. There are many ways in which you can do this, but here are some suggestions:

  • Check length – How long does it take for someone who visits your site? If it’s too short then you may have written something which doesn’t offer enough value for customers; if it’s too long then either something has got cut out (like graphs), or there is too much repetition which distracts from what was originally said; sometimes both problems can occur together!
  • Keyword density – How many words per sentence do they use? Is every word doing its job well enough at helping users understand what they’re reading?

Step 5 : Check that each page is accessible by internal links

Internal links are important for the user experience. They help search engines find your pages, which in turn helps them rank you higher in the SERPs.

To check if all of your pages are linked to by other pages:

  • Open Google Search Console and click on “Audit” under “Tools.”
  • Select a page from the list (e.g., https://example-website/.well-known/open).
  • Click “Details” under “Pages” section at bottom right corner of page where it says “All Pages” with red arrow pointing outwards indicating that there is no external link present on this page and no internal link present either; otherwise click on either option mentioned below :

Step 6 : Check that each page is accessible from external sites

Now it’s time to check that each page is accessible from external sites. If you want your site to be shown in search results, then every page needs to be listed on other websites. To do this, search for the following keywords: “SEO audit” or “SEO audit tool”. You’ll find lots of tools that can help you with this task (such as SEMRush).


  • Use the tools available to you. The most effective way to do an SEO audit is to use a tool that allows you to input your site and see what comes up in search results.
  • Keep checking back for new issues as they arise, but don’t panic if there’s nothing new. You may find something that needs fixing, but it’s unlikely this will happen overnight or even over a weekend!
  • Make sure you have a plan for each page on your website (including homepage). This will help ensure that everything is working properly before moving onto the next stage of fixing anything else up with HTML code or CSS stylesheets so that everything looks nice together when viewed by visitors on different devices such as desktop computers/laptops/tablet devices etcetera.”
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